Monday 26 September 2011

The Veg Patch

Let me introduce you to the veg patch:

This has been going for about 8 months now. In the ground at the moment I have:
- Butternut Squash
- Beetroot
- Courgette
- Pumpkin
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Onion
- Leek
- Carrot
- Broad Beans
- Cabbage
All of which I have planted from seed, rather than buying the plants from a garden centre. I like to do this because then the veg is really MY veg, having nurtured it from nothing.
Before planting anything into the ground I persuaded my boyfriend to help me dig compost into the bed. I would recommend doing this the same way I did. This is splitting the patch down the middle, then splitting each half into 4 sections. You then dig out one section, piling the soil onto the section behind you. You then dig compost into the bottom of the hole you have dug (manure is fine too, but we have a huge pile of compost in the garden which was begging to be used). Next you dig from the section in front, piling that dirt into the previous hole, & so the cycle continues until finished. This took the 2 of us a full day of digging, but I would advise that you break it down over a few days, because our backs were killing us for the next week! My soil is now much healthier than it was, but I intend on doing the same again over winter, when I don't have many things growing in the patch, so I can up the quality of my soil once more.

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