Friday 21 October 2011

Catterpillar Issues

Catterpillars are currently the main souce of my annoyance. The other day I took a cheeky peek at my cauliflowers, cabbages & broccoli, only to find that they had been DEVOURED by caterpillars. Upset is an understatement. 

I try to be a very organic gardener, so have scoured the interwebs to find an organic solution to my problem. Thinking that I would have to mix up some kind of witches couldron of formula, I was quite thrilled with this recipe I have stumbled across:

"Sprinkle Baking Soda on Cabbages (and other Brassicas) to Thwart Caterpillars If those small green cabbage worms have been making Swiss cheese of your cabbage, broccoli, and kale plants, try this trick: Make a 50/50 combination of flour and baking soda, and dust it all over whichever plants the cabbage worms are eating. They'll eat the combo while munching the leaves, and die within a day or so. Repeat as necessary." -

I have tried this out, & so far so good......
I never knew that baking powder was so handy! I guess I do now!

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