Wednesday 25 April 2012

How To: Make Lovely Presents for Lovely Friends

I don't know about you lot, but April/May time is always busy for me.... Everyone I know seems to be either having a birthday, having a baby, or moving house. I don't know what it is about this time of year, but everyone just seems to be loving it! Of course it also means gifts all round, & when it's all in one go it can get pretty expensive. But never fear! I have a lovely answer to this problem. Who doesn't like receiving plants that they can make use of?

I recently started a new pot of chili peppers, and the pot is getting a bit crowded now, so I decided to split these seedling up into smaller pots.

Now, I don't REALLY need more than one chili plant in the house, so I'm giving them away for presents this month!
I hate waste, & love a cheeky bit of recycling, so I have used tin cans for this project. I found that cans with ring pull tops were best for this, because it meant the edge wasn't so sharp, so no cuts (I used cat food tins in this case. Washed, obviously).

Next, use a nail & hammer to pierce at least 5 small holes in the base of the cans (please be careful children!), so that when watered the plants can drain & not drown.

Then fill the tins with compost & pop in the seedling.

Last, to make it look presentable as a gift, tie a bow around the middle. I used material scraps to give that rustic look, & you can't go wrong with recycling!

Lets hope my lovely friends like their lovely gifts, & I hope you enjoyed this project!

Monday 23 April 2012

Getting My Broad Bean Action On

At about October time last year I planted some broad beans straight in to the ground, as I had read that if you do this at the optimum time they will grow over winter & you can get an early crop of beans. I thought I'd give it a go, nothing to loose, right? They're not supposed to start flowering for a month or so yet, but LOOK!

It's always very satisfying when you're testing something out & it actually works. It's even more satisfying when your neighbour also tries it out, & yours look better (I'm not a nasty person, but there's a bit of me that's very smug right now...).
I hope I haven't jinxed it, but hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have some broad beans to chow down on! Excitement!

Rain, Weeds & A Cheeky Teapot!

It has been raining ALL day, EVERY day, for the past week or so.

This morning there seemed to be a break in the grim weather, so out I went to the veg patch, & guess what? The weeds were LOVING this weather! I had more weeds in my veg patch than actual vegetables - & I'm not even exaggerating! They were thriving from all this moisture (if only the vegetables would take a leaf out of the weeds book...).
SO, out came the teapot!

No, not for a brew, but to deal with the task at hand in a different way than cheering me up with a lovely cuppa.
I learnt this trick when I watched my Granddads neighbour whip his teapot out the other week.
Fill your teapot with boiling water (minus the teabag), out you go to the garden, & pour it directly on to the weeds. It will wilt the leaves & kill the roots, without you having to use any nasty weed killing chemicals near your lovely veg!
You may need one or two trips to & fro, but it's worth it in the end.
Just be careful not to get any on your veg or flowers, or it will have the same effect on them too, but if you're cautious enough..... 
Job's a good 'un. 

Spring is Sprung!

March & April are the optimum months to get planting your veg. You have to keep a watch out for the last frost (which for us, happened to be 2 weeks ago), then you can get busy in the garden! I spent a good 3 hours in the Bebb veg patch this afternoon & planted the following:

- MORE onions.
- MORE leeks.
- Beetroot.
- Peas.
- Parsnips.
- Spinach.
- Sweetcorn.

It's my first year trying out sweetcorn, so fingers crossed, & we'll see how that bad boy turns out!
Already in the ground were:

- Onions.
- Leeks.
- Garlic.
- Broad Beans.
